Reward System
Gamification is a powerful way to get users to engage with an organization. In DuinGud, it starts with rewardig volunteers badges to recognize their contributions which will be displayed on their profile.
In order to show gratitude to volunteers for helping someone, making helping fun. At the same time, to help volunteers to get recognitions for helping someone, giving them a sense of achievement to motivate them paticipate more. Duingud design team came up with a gamification reward system.
Badges ideas
Pioneer (This would be everyone who signed up before date TBD)
One with the age of account (6 months, 1 year, 2 years, etc)
Onboarder/Recruiter (# of Invited people to FP, which we could track with a link, or if they send invites through social media, which is another feature we want)
One for thanks received
One for donations when we have a way to track this?
One for people helped (which we would get from the "help fulfilled" tracking system we need to build
We could, potentially, also add a "top helper" tab to an offer help post, if the person/organisation offering has reached a determined # of help fulfilled?
Quantifiable badges would be in tiers.
Help fulfilled added comments: (Like Uber, Rappi) "fast assistance", "good communication", "quality help", etc.
In order to show gratitude to volunteers for helping someone, making helping fun. At the same time, to help volunteers to get recognitions for helping someone, giving them a sense of achievement to motivate them paticipate more. Duingud design team came up with a gamification reward system.